Device Details
Name | Version: | Dopplator 0.01 |
Author: | synthesizerwriter |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | LFO modulated time delay with feedback. The LFO modulation waveform can be slipped in time (swing) and the shape altered using a power-law waveshaper. Lots of scope for rhythmic alteration of sequences and drum patterns. Go 'un-synced' for wierder results. Because this is loosely based on a performance technique where you momentarily increase the feedback at the same time as reducing the delay time, the results are somewhat 'organic' in feel. Some settings remind me of my old Melos 'tape cartridge' echo unit, whilst the technique is one I've over-used on my Korg Electribe S Mark II. Audio demos are on my blog: and on SoundCloud... |
Live Version Used: | 8.4.2 |
Max Version Used: | 5.1.9 |
Date Added: | Aug 03 2014 17:17:35 |
Date Last Updated: | Mar 30 2015 03:30:19 |
Downloads: | 3181 |
ⓘ License: | Attribution |
Average Rating
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-n/a- |
Device File: | Dopplator_0v01_mr.amxd |
Any chance of hearing this thing? I dont have any internet for like 3 more days but Im itching to hear what this beauty can do.
Posted on August 03 2014 by johnisfaster |
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I'm working on a YouTube video, but I will prepare some SoundCloud examples tonight. Essentially you have a shaped pulse (from squar-ish to smooth) that dips the delay time towards zero at the same time as raising the feedback to 100%. The pulse can be anywhere in the bar (via the swing).
Posted on August 04 2014 by synthesizerwriter |
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OK. SoundCloud demos (bassline and drums) prepared and posted.
Posted on August 05 2014 by synthesizerwriter |
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Learning a lot from your excellent work thanks :)
Do you really have no license on your devices, or is it written somewhere else?
Do you really have no license on your devices, or is it written somewhere else?
Posted on November 05 2014 by happytosh |
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So far, none of my stuff is really finished or commercial quality, so I don't impose licenses - but an attribution is always welcome.
Posted on March 30 2015 by synthesizerwriter |
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