Device Details
Name | Version: | Metroposeq 1.0 |
Author: | pvdn |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | Inspiring sequencer that is somewhat based on the Intellijel Metropolis Eurorack module. Each of the 8 steps can be repeated a number of times, and each step can be given its own triggermode (all, first, even, uneven, none), resulting in a broad variety of rhythms. (Quantizing to a certain scale is intentionally left out, you should add a Scale midi-effect yourself) |
Live Version Used: | 9.0.6 |
Max Version Used: | 6.1.5 |
Date Added: | Apr 20 2014 17:52:13 |
Date Last Updated: | Apr 20 2014 18:09:20 |
Downloads: | 7441 |
ⓘ License: | None |
Average Rating
(3) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | Metroposeq.amxd |
Hey, help. Is there any way to Record the notes that are being played ? I thought I would be able to use this, but its half as useful if theres no way I can record it into MIDI?
Posted on April 21 2014 by genbtc |
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You can route the notes to another track and record them there. Just add a midi-track and select the one with the Metroposec as input.
(that's how you'd have to do it with every midi-generator in ableton)
(that's how you'd have to do it with every midi-generator in ableton)
Posted on April 21 2014 by pvdn |
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pretty good, works fine!
Posted on April 24 2014 by Strolf |
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I find it amusing that you're modelling the Metropolis sequencer. Intellijel based it on the RYK sequencer, which the ML-185 is based on - the second-most downloaded device in this entire library :)
Posted on April 27 2014 by wetterberg |
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Ah, I knew the Metropolis was based on another one but not that there were many available as M4L device already. I just saw the Metropolis and wanted some of that functionality in Ableton.
Posted on April 27 2014 by pvdn |
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I like this take on the sequncer! Its same basic idea but simpler yet very fast to work with.
What your version is dearly missing is the 'note hold' mode so that the note is held the duration of the step.
What your version is dearly missing is the 'note hold' mode so that the note is held the duration of the step.
Posted on April 30 2014 by Parametex |
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... Also a reset on stop would be grand ,)
Posted on April 30 2014 by Parametex |
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Thanks for the input, i will put those items on my list!
Posted on May 02 2014 by pvdn |
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I have an Idea for a device. It is very helpful. The Idea is simple but very useful.
A device that can map more than one note (3 to 5) to a clip. You ask why 3 to 5 notes?
Please read This:
thanks in advance
I have an Idea for a device. It is very helpful. The Idea is simple but very useful.
A device that can map more than one note (3 to 5) to a clip. You ask why 3 to 5 notes?
Please read This:
thanks in advance
Posted on May 16 2014 by aminomo |
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Hey buddy
Awesome device! Congrats.
Any chance you could update the device with the two following suggestions already mentioned:
- position reset on stop
- note held for the duration
That'd be massively helpful.
Awesome device! Congrats.
Any chance you could update the device with the two following suggestions already mentioned:
- position reset on stop
- note held for the duration
That'd be massively helpful.
Posted on September 11 2019 by pizu123 |
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