Device Details
Name | Version: | Multistage Knob 1.0 |
Author: | tomcosm |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | Full video explanation here - This device allows you to send 5 separate parameter changes signals (with min/max) depending on where the Master Knob is, great for live performance when you want one knob to sequentially do a lot of things! |
Live Version Used: | 9.0.6 |
Max Version Used: | 6.1.4 |
Date Added: | Oct 23 2013 02:42:29 |
Date Last Updated: | No Updates |
Downloads: | 3203 |
ⓘ License: | None |
Average Rating
(1) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | M4L Tom Cosm - Multistage Knob 1.0.amxd |
Nice one Tom! Many people will want this. (Also, why don't you update your profile on to drive more people to your site?)
Posted on October 23 2013 by synnack |
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hi dude, great idea once again !
just to say i've a trouble with reset on parameter 1, the snapping function works great with the 4 others but not with this one
so sometimes it's 0, sometimes not..
let us know if you update this (or if it's just with my Live 9.0.4)
just to say i've a trouble with reset on parameter 1, the snapping function works great with the 4 others but not with this one
so sometimes it's 0, sometimes not..
let us know if you update this (or if it's just with my Live 9.0.4)
Posted on October 23 2013 by bilaldeledakrew |
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Yo Synnack - I updated it... however there's an issue with the twitter field, doesn't let me use an underscore (my twitter is
Thanks heaps for this site btw!
Thanks heaps for this site btw!
Posted on October 24 2013 by tomcosm |
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Thanks Tom. I fixed it. You can put in tom_cosm now.
Posted on November 11 2013 by synnack |
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Hi Tom,
Just so ya know, this device crashed Live for me, when I attempted to map the bypass switch of a VST effect(RedSkull Distortion).
Just so ya know, this device crashed Live for me, when I attempted to map the bypass switch of a VST effect(RedSkull Distortion).
Posted on November 12 2013 by ryanmcrobb |
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This is a great idea, Tom! It is also extremely close to something that I have been wanting to do but lack the understanding to program. Here's a suggestion for making this even more powerful: Add a check box for each mappable parameter to snap back to minimum value after the master knob passes out of its range. An example of its use would be: I want to build a 3-level nested instrument rack that is controlled by three sliders to select one of 48 different instruments. First slider selects one of four sound categories: mono-lead, poly-lead, bass, pad. Second slider selects one of three sound types: pure tone, full/harmonic-rich tone, gritty/dark/distorted tone. Third slider selects one of four instrument chains. So you have your "category rack" with four chains, each of which contains a "sound type" rack, with three chains, each of which contains an instrument rack. Do you follow so far? What I want the "return to minimum" option for is to allow me to keep all of these racks turned off unless they are selected to save CPU. If there is a smarter way to do this I am all ears! Thanks for all that you have done and continue to do for the Live community.
Posted on January 21 2014 by betaunits |
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Hee, well no way to delete comments so rest assured I figured out that all I needed to do was truly learn the way Macro knobs work with device on/off switches... *blush* I also realized that my idea above wouldn't have done what I thought. Ha!
Posted on January 21 2014 by betaunits |
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