Device Details


Name | Version: Midimashinator 1.0
Author: kenan
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Midimashinator turns MIDI keys into momentary controller buttons for FX mashing mayhem. You map Midimashinator to eight different parameters in Live and link them to particular MIDI notes. Then when the Midimashinator see's one of the notes you've specified, it fires the mapping.

Where it shines is when you set it up on a drum rack track. Now you can have your drum rack controller, fire off additional FX or sounds. An excellent video showing this sort of thing in action is at the DJ TechTools site featuring Mad Zach.


Live Version Used: 8.3
Max Version Used: 5.1.9
Date Added: Dec 30 2012 23:32:24
Date Last Updated: Jan 05 2013 11:42:03
Downloads: 870
License: None
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Device File: Midimashinator v1.0.amxd


Hi, i think your device is great as momentary fx buttons.

Can i record what i push as automation?
I tried but when i hit rec the device won't work anymore.

Glad you're enjoying Midimashinator.

Just record your button pushes into a regular MIDI clip in Live. When you play the clip back, it will reproduce your performance. Midimashinator just needs note on/off data in order to operate.

I will look into the device not working when automating. I didn't spend much time testing how the device handles automation since I automate it with MIDI clips.

Let me know if I misunderstood your question.

great little helpers,

do you consider updating your devices to Live9 max,
because they won´t work anymore?

regards dorsch
Hi, this device is exactly what im looking for!
But my problem is, that it wont map to the parameter i want it to. I click on switches to mapping...but i cant map anything. Do you have an idea whats wrong?

Cheers Toldoe
Are you trying to map the crossfader? For some reason it is immune to mapping. Even the native M4L devices don't map it. You might try combining Midimashinator with the Spin Cycle device--Spin Cycle has a special button explicitly for controlling the Crossfader.
I'm using the midimashinator to trigger beat repeat's "repeat" button in momentary with my MPK Mini's pads. This works great! Thanks. I've been trying to accomplish this for a while now....

My issue now is this. I would like the pad trigrering the repeat to also select the device so I could tweak the parameters quickly in "blue hand" with my MPK mini's knobs. because the pad is assigned to a max device I can't midi map it to the device as well. So I assigned another pad to select the device. so this works but it takes up two pads and requires more actions which is complicated in a live situation.

Can anyone think of a solution that will have the same midi message trigger a repeat and also select the device and leave is selected after I let go of the pad?

Hi there,
I am new to Max for Live, but found your device very useful, as it solves the old problem of momentary buttons.
I was trying to map the midimashinator to the arm record button of a track, but whithout success. My mistake, or it's for some reason not meant to do that?
How could it be possible to do exactly that: arm the record button of an audio or midi track using note on for "ON" and have the Note OFF message to turn it off again?
thanks for your time

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