Device Details
Name | Version: | PAULA 3.1 3.1 |
Author: | wavefrontinsurgency |
Device Type: | Instrument |
Description: | PAULA 3.1 is a Max for Live sampler that dynamically alters the sample rate based on the note played. PAULA was initially built to emulate the resampling behaviour of ProTracker 2 running on a Commodore Amiga 1200. As of version 3.0, PAULA has been fully integrated with Ableton Live’s Simpler device and includes major improvements, new features and bug fixes, including automatable Ableton warping / time stretching. PAULA is great for adding liveliness, character and variation to samples. It is essentially an upgraded simpler device. Manual available here: PAULA 3.1 Change Log: - Bug Fix: Missing transient warp icons now embedded correctly. - Improvement: Live.Remote mapped ‘Volume’ in simpler ‘Input Gain’. Also changed volume range to -18 dB to + 6 dB. - Updated Manual (Small changes only). - Improved UI colour scheme. - ‘PAULA MIDI Send.amxd’ is now hidden in the rack by default. - Changed EQ default mid-range frequence to 1.7 kHz. PAULA 3.0 change log: - Ableton’s Simpler device has been fully integrated with PAULA, utilising the Ableton Live API – Controls include: Transposition, Fine Tune, Warping, Warp Mode, Warp Grain Size / Envelopes, X2, /2, Reverse and Voicing. As simpler is used, sample location is now managed by Ableton. - Realtime time stretching: Ableton warp modes, grain size, x2 and /2 and reverse functionality. All support parameter automation. - Fine tuning that follows ProTracker 2 behaviour and including slight sample rate variations. - Quality mode: Eco and Hi-Q resampling algorithms available. - LED filter moved to the end of the signal flow. - Added optional antialiasing filter set at half the sample rate ‘POST FILTER’. - Added Ableton channel EQ abl. object for ease of use. - Added Flanger effect built in with rate modulation, x2 feedback and stereo mode. - ‘C3 Hold’ enables monophonic playback, vice versa. - Increased ‘RESAMPLE 2NOTE’ range to include A#3 and B-3 notes. - Redesigned and improved MIDI flow. - Improved UI including visual feedback. - Updated manual. PAULA 2.1 Change Log: - Bug fix: Enabled polyphonic voice stealing. - Removed .alp installer for simplicity. - Switched ‘RESAMPLE2NOTE’ parameter visibility to store only (disabled automation tracking). PAULA 2.0 Change Log: - No longer dependent on TAL-DAC and works entirely standalone using new Max abl. objects in Max 9. - New features: C3 Hold, Sample Rate Hold, Trim, DC offset, Phasor Effect, High and Low Shelf EQ, Mono Button and the Current Sample Rate is now displayed. - Bug fixes: Limited note range to C1-B3 in respect to the sample rate ranges pt2 tables (4144 – 31338 Hz). MIDI triggering now works as expected. No more random noises. - .alp packing including lesson/example project. - Created PDF manual. - Added fade on load to remove audible pop/click. - Check Max version displays pop-up/screen warning if below v9.0.0. - Improved UI. - Implemented dynamic theming (light/dark mode) - Switched to Bandcamp for distribution. |
Live Version Used: | 12.1.10 |
Max Version Used: | 9.0.4 |
Date Added: | Mar 04 2025 16:36:20 |
Date Last Updated: | No Updates |
Downloads: | 0 |
Website: | |
ⓘ License: | None |
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