Device Details
Name | Version: | PAULA 3.0 |
Author: | wavefrontinsurgency |
Device Type: | Instrument |
Description: | PAULA 3.0 is a Max for Live sampler that dynamically alters the sample rate based on the note played. PAULA was initially built to emulate the resampling behaviour of ProTracker 2 running on a Commodore Amiga 1200. As of version 3.0, PAULA has been fully integrated with Ableton Live’s Simpler device and includes major improvements, new features and bug fixes, including automatable Ableton warping / time stretching. PAULA is great for adding liveliness, character and variation to samples. It is essentially an upgraded simpler device. Manual available here: PAULA 3.0 change log: - Ableton’s Simpler device has been fully integrated with PAULA, utilising the Ableton Live API – Controls include: Transposition, Fine Tune, Warping, Warp Mode, Warp Grain Size / Envelopes, X2, /2, Reverse and Voicing. As simpler is used, sample location is now managed by Ableton. - Realtime time stretching: Ableton warp modes, grain size, x2 and /2 and reverse functionality. All support parameter automation. - Fine tuning that follows ProTracker 2 behaviour and including slight sample rate variations. - Quality mode: Eco and Hi-Q resampling algorithms available. - LED filter moved to the end of the signal flow. - Added optional antialiasing filter set at half the sample rate ‘POST FILTER’. - Added Ableton channel EQ abl. object for ease of use. - Added Flanger effect built in with rate modulation, x2 feedback and stereo mode. - ‘C3 Hold’ enables monophonic playback, vice versa. - Increased ‘RESAMPLE 2NOTE’ range to include A#3 and B-3 notes. - Redesigned and improved MIDI flow. - Improved UI including visual feedback. - Updated manual. PAULA 2.1 Change Log: - Bug fix: Enabled polyphonic voice stealing. - Removed .alp installer for simplicity. - Switched ‘RESAMPLE2NOTE’ parameter visibility to store only (disabled automation tracking). PAULA 2.0 Change Log: - No longer dependent on TAL-DAC and works entirely standalone using new Max abl. objects in Max 9. - New features: C3 Hold, Sample Rate Hold, Trim, DC offset, Phasor Effect, High and Low Shelf EQ, Mono Button and the Current Sample Rate is now displayed. - Bug fixes: Limited note range to C1-B3 in respect to the sample rate ranges pt2 tables (4144 – 31338 Hz). MIDI triggering now works as expected. No more random noises. - .alp packing including lesson/example project. - Created PDF manual. - Added fade on load to remove audible pop/click. - Check Max version displays pop-up/screen warning if below v9.0.0. - Improved UI. - Implemented dynamic theming (light/dark mode) - Switched to Bandcamp for distribution. |
Live Version Used: | 12.1.5 |
Max Version Used: | 9.0.3 |
Date Added: | Mar 01 2025 17:19:19 |
Date Last Updated: | Mar 01 2025 20:27:35 |
Downloads: | 0 |
Website: | |
ⓘ License: | Commercial |
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hey! is this version not available for those who purchased many worlds sample CD? is this a paid update?
Posted on March 02 2025 by shinytheshiny |
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Im now in the situation of deciding if I should buy the Paula 3 or if it’s bundled I would buy the worlds sample CD.
Posted on March 04 2025 by n0ael |
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n0ael. i cant answer that as im unsure, but i CAN tell you the Many worlds sample cd is awesome. one of my favorite music related purchases of all time, and ive bought a ton of s*@t over the years.
I would HOPE that Paula is a free update for first supporters, but who knows. I did re-download the sample cd yesterday, but as of now, its still 2.0 that is bundled within. Maybe it just has not been updated yet.
I would HOPE that Paula is a free update for first supporters, but who knows. I did re-download the sample cd yesterday, but as of now, its still 2.0 that is bundled within. Maybe it just has not been updated yet.
Posted on March 04 2025 by shinytheshiny |
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I never expected to meet someone who shares my passion for audio and videography, but made it happen. While chatting, I mentioned struggling with how to connect a 3Dio directly to a DSLR camera, and to my surprise, they had dealt with the same issue. We exchanged tips on adapters and audio setups, and what started as a tech discussion turned into a great connection. Sometimes, the right conversations lead to unexpected friendships!
Posted on March 04 2025 by jaguar555 |
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Really appreciate your support but I have to charge for this update.
Posted on March 04 2025 by wavefrontinsurgency |
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