Device Details


Name | Version: Prismatica 1.32
Author: ijoaudio
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Prismatica is something a bit different.  The easiest way to describe it is an arpeggiator for audio.

The heart of Prismatica is a looper which then sends your loop to four more loopers, grouped in two pairs.  Each of these four loopers has a speed control, so you can adjust the pitch of each loop (1x is normal speed, 2x is double speed, 0.5x is half-speed, -1x is reverse, etc).  But rather than play all four of these loops at once, we have some logic within each group to determine which loop is played.  There's a speed control and a chance control for each of these pairs of loops.  The chance dial controls the likelihood of a switch to the other loop and the speed dial controls how often this decision is made.  A speed setting of 16th notes and a chance setting of 100% means you will flicker between loops A and B every 16th note.  Set the chance down to 25% and there's only a 1 in 4 chance that the loop will change, etc.  It maybe sounds more complicated than it really is.  I think the video will show you exactly what I mean.

There's also a unique preset system in Prismatica.  The four loops' speed settings are stored as presets and there's a Seek knob that allows us to smoothly interpolate between these values, providing very interesting results.  I think there's a lot of potential here both for sound design and just ambient exploration.

I feel this is a somewhat unique idea and I do recommend you watch the video to see exactly how it works.  I hope it brings you some inspiration.  As always, I appreciate you for even reading this far and for the past support of my other devices.  I'm a stay-at-home dad to a very cool toddler and your support is what makes this life possible for me - and I love it.

Video walkthrough here:

Change Log:

v1.1 - I've just released a new update that allows you to save and load loops back into Prismatica. This was inspired by a Youtube comment, noting that when you close your project and re-open it, the audio recorded into Prismatica does not remain. This is true and unfortunately a bit of a drawback with Max4Live or at least the way I'm doing things, but hopefully this update is useful for you! There's a video walking you through the new update here:

v1.2 - Fixed a bug introduced in v1.1 where if loading a loop via the Load button, it wouldn't play out of playheads 3 & 4. Also fixed the Base Gain dial - upon loading the device it would show as being turned all the way down but the Base audio would still play.

v1.3 - Major update featuring requests from users of Prismatica!

Multi outs - You can now send each looper to a different audio track in Live and pan and effect them individually

Clearer and more musical pitch selection - added more musical intervals as well as labels to describe each one (ie: + m 5th, + 2 Oct, - M 7th, etc) without the user having to do math to find musical intervals

Explore panel - Seek has been renamed to Morph to better describe what it does and I've also added a Jump dial to snap from one preset to the next, instead of slowly interpolating between the two

Fixed small issue where the four loopers' gain knobs were not displaying their full dB value

Changes to automation - removed some duplicate properties which did not need to be recording automation in Live

Video walkthrough of these changes here:

v1.31 - Fixed a couple of the colors of the background panels - they were inadvertently changing depending on the theme the user is using.

v1.32 - Changed the behaviour of Prismatica when playback is stopped via Ableton Live's transport panel (ie: playback stopped). Now, all Prismatica's loopers will also stop when this happens and will restart when playback is restarted.


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Feb 27 2025 12:49:19
Date Last Updated: Mar 06 2025 11:43:07
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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The most unique in the Ijo portfolio. And something I have never seen anything similar elsewhere. 

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