Device Details


Name | Version: Chord Play 1.3
Author: uranai
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This is a device for playing chords in an easy and intuitive way using only 2 octave or higher MIDI keys.

You can pursue the sound of chords at will, distancing yourself a little from music theory.

The left hand selects the chord and the right hand plays the note.

You can play various kinds of chords by pressing a major key (C2) or a minor key (C#2) and another key at the same time.
For example: C2+D2=major7 , C#2+D#2=minor7 , D#2+G2=7sus4 , C2+D2+F2=major9th

– C2 to B2 are chord selection keys, which can be changed in the keymap window.
– Three chord of any configuration can be added.
– The inversion key allows temporary inversion.
– Increasing the value of scatter will randomly delay the start of the note.

C2 = major
C#2 = minor
D2 = add major7
D#2 = add minor7
E2 = add 6
F2 = add 9
F#2 = inversion1
G2 = sus4
G#2 = inversion2
A2 = dim (Switchable to ♭5)
A#2 = inversion3
B2 = aug

2/1 Update:
– Mono and poly toggle button

2/6 Update:
– Fixed a bug that caused loss of note-off signal when entering notes that were too short.
– Adjustments were made to the Scatter.
– sus4,dim,aug can now play second and third notes without pressing the major key.
– Three chords of any configuration can now be added.

2/8 Update:
– Added 3rd & 5th variation buttons.
– Changed GUI layout.
– Fixed a bug that caused wrong midi signals to be sent when the polymode button was pressed after startup.


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jan 31 2025 16:15:15
Date Last Updated: Feb 08 2025 19:28:20
Downloads: 304
License: AttributionShareAlike
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Device File: Chord Play v1.3.amxd


Great device concept. However, only the major and minor chords are outputting all of their notes. The other chord types only output two notes or fewer. Unless I'm misunderstanding something.
Sorry, I didn't mention something important.

You can play various kinds of chords by pressing a major key (C2) or a minor key (C#2) and another key at the same time.
For example: C2+D2=major7 , C#2+D#2=minor7 , C2+D#2+G2=7sus4

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