Device Details


Name | Version: Tuning Editor 2.2
Author: ultradian7
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Edit the Live sets native tuning system steps in real-time.

Key features:

- Modify tuning steps for the Live set.

- Update tuning system in real-time.

- Display note frequencies in Hz for each octave.

- Optionally set tuning steps by frequency.

- Rename the tuning.

- Export tuning as .ascl in Live.

Note frequency Hz values are displayed per octave alongside steps. Min and max step cents range are adjustable, min can be set to a negative value. The max range is 1200 cents by default unless a tuning is loaded with a higher step value, then the highest step value will be set as the maximum.

Current limitations of the Live API mean that the last step, or 'pseudo octave' cannot be modified and maintains it's value from the loaded tuning file. The first step is always 0.00 cents as per the .ascl specification.

Refer to on creating your own tuning .ascl file. You could create a tuning with the tools on Ableton's page, then use our Tuning Editor to tweak the steps in real-time while using Live's instruments, or play and tweak with the tunings bundled with Live to something that feels right to you.

This device was made with the Live 30 day trial, no further updates are possible until I acquire a Max For Live license. Relying on donations to support this, if you use the tool and would like to see it developed further please support us! Thank you :)

*Update, we now have another 30 days thank you to Ableton!


Live Version Used: 12.1.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.5
Date Added: Jan 03 2025 18:42:07
Date Last Updated: Jan 17 2025 19:17:05
Downloads: 132
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: Tuning Editor.amxd


-- V1.2 (07/01/25)

Modified min and max step behavior for improved precision and protection from accidental changes.
-- V1.3

Fixed enable min/max step button not resetting on loading new tuning.
-- v2.0

Frequency tuning mode option introduced, dial in frequencies to calculate cents for each step.
Optimized and cleaner code, various bug fixes and UI tweaks.
-- V2.1 Reference pitch observable bug fixed.

-- V2.2 Fixed bug with frequencies not updating!

Fixed Min / Max Step reseting on toggle tuning mode.

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