Device Details


Name | Version: PAULA 2.1
Author: wavefrontinsurgency
Device Type: Instrument
Description: PAULA 2.1 is a Max for Live instrument that uniquely transposes sample pitch while dynamically altering the sample rate based on the note played, combining both upsampling and downsampling in real time. Each note within the range of C1 to B3 is assigned a sample rate (see ‘Tables’). The lower keys are assigned lower sample rates, whereas the higher keys are assigned higher sample rates. PAULA was built to emulate the resampling behaviour of ProTracker 2 running on a Commodore Amiga 1200.

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PAULA is free, chose to donate if you like.

As of version 2.0, PAULA is no longer a VST3 wrapper, eliminating the dependency on TAL-DAC.

PAULA 2.1 Change Log:

NOTE: IMPORTANT UPDATE - Fixes a bug that prevented some MIDI notes from playing!

- Bug fix: Enabled polyphonic voice stealing.
- Removed .alp installer for simplicity.
- Switched ‘RESAMPLE2NOTE’ parameter visibility to store only (disabled automation tracking)

PAULA 2.0 Change Log:

- No longer dependent on TAL-DAC and works entirely standalone using new Max abl. objects in Max 9.
- New features: C3 Hold, Sample Rate Hold, Trim, DC offset, Phasor Effect, High and Low Shelf EQ, Mono Button and the Current Sample Rate is now displayed.
- Bug fixes: Limited note range to C1-B3 in respect to the sample rate ranges pt2 tables (4144 – 31338 Hz). MIDI triggering now works as expected. No more random noises.
- .alp packing including lesson/example project.
- Created PDF manual.
- Added fade on load to remove audible pop/click.
- Check Max version displays pop-up/screen warning if below v9.0.0. - Improved UI.
- Implemented dynamic theming (light/dark mode)
- Switched to Bandcamp for distribution.

----- Part of the MANY WORLDS SAMPLE CD -----


Live Version Used: 12.1.5
Max Version Used: 9.0.3
Date Added: Jan 01 2025 16:42:19
Date Last Updated: Jan 13 2025 16:03:46
Downloads: 0
License: None
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Stoked to check this out.   Just purchased on Bandcamp but it's saying I can't load the .als file because it was created with a newer version of Ableton.   I can't recall getting stuck on this before.   I'm on 12 but not on the very newest version that apparently you have.   Any ideas?  If not, all good - just thought it was weird that I should need the same version as you after saving/installing the project in order to load the Ableton set
The .alp is only useful for accessing the example sounds. You can just drag and drop the .amxd into your user library and should be good to go assuming you've upgraded Max (Check the manual). Ableton isn't backwards compatible so the only way you'd be able to use the .alp is by upading to Ableton 12.1.5 or above.
Right on, I got it up and running - not all that complicated at all (although I did see your PDF manual which I'm going to check out to understand what's happening!).  Super easy to use - great sounds - amazing concept.   Thank you for sharing this w/ us.   
Legend! i bought the many worlds sample cd a while back. its INCREDIBLE!! This is just an added bonus, greatly appreciated. Now that PAULA 2.0 is out, lets get Many Worlds 2.0, and 3.0, and 4, and 5, and more!! 🥰
PAULA 2.1 Change Log:

NOTE: IMPORTANT UPDATE - Fixes a bug that prevented some MIDI notes from playing!

- Bug fix: Enabled polyphonic voice stealing.
- Removed .alp installer for simplicity.
- Switched ‘RESAMPLE2NOTE’ parameter visibility to store only (disabled automation tracking)


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