Device Details


Name | Version: Wavetable Sound Effects WSEmr0v01 0.01
Author: synthesizerwriter
Device Type: Instrument
Description: I'm re-learning Max after a few years, so forgive me. This is a wavetable-based sound effect generator, you know, like all those other ones... I'd recommend adding a bit of echo and reverb afterwards, but since this isn't Reaktor-world, then I've not added them in, so you can add your own effects to your own taste. How does it work? Well, there's a Pitch section where you set the basic tone (remember to nudge the Freq knob after turning vibrato off), a Vibrato section to add more than a bit of wobble, and then the Timbre modification section, which includes the wavetable scanning, and my own personal favourite, the Timbrato timbre wobbler. Enjoy!


Live Version Used: 8.1
Max Version Used:
Date Added: Dec 06 2009 17:20:33
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 3142
License: None
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Device File: Wavetable Sound Effects mr 0v01.amxd

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