Device Details


Name | Version: Keyboard Monitor 1.1.3
Author: OCH
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Keyboard Monitor
by Side Brain & OCH

Utility Max device designed to enhance the teaching and learning experience for keyboard and MIDI instrument players.


- Dynamic Sizing up to 88 keys
- Pop Up Window
- Individual Note Labeling
- Chord Detector
- Scale Visualizer
- Live 12 Key Awareness
- Mod Wheel, Pitch Bend and Sustain Pedal Visualizers


- clean Ableton Live undo history
- make chord detector safe-scoped (won’t break while using M2TM devices and other custom JS M4L)
- several minimal visual fixes

- fix label colors to be compatible with Live 12 and 11's dark themes

- compatible with Live 11 with bundle Max
- several chord detector improvements

- New chord detection algorithm
- New 88 keys keyboard size
- New Big Keyboard Zoom Controls

- Fixed octave displacement on big keyboard
- Fixed misalignments of Oct arrows on both small and big keyboard
- Fixed dynamic colors of separators, sustain pedal, and key awareness toggle
- Added sustain pedal to small keyboard
- Moved version number on small keyboard to credits logo reveal text area

- Official Release


Live Version Used: 12.1.5
Max Version Used: 9.0.3
Date Added: Dec 23 2024 19:27:33
Date Last Updated: Dec 23 2024 19:27:56
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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Hi there @OCH,

I believe there might be a problem in your upload file for 1.1.3, because the Ableton history problem remains, and when hovering your logo on the device it says "v 1.1.2"

Hi @lifiju

Happy New Year!
Yes, I tried to warn you on the previous thread that not all the history problems were fixed yet.
We had to rush this v1.1.3 as a fix for a bug incredibly difficult to track where people would see the chord detector feature simply not working - long story short we had to safe scope everything because apparently global js functions are shared among all m4l devices on Live 12 now...
There are a number of problems with m4l in Live 12 some of them we can't fix at all and need to wait for Ableton to come up with a fix: for example when you have a midi m4l device with a popup window, or even if you right click a device title bar and open the max window, then your midi clip editor starts jumping 2 half-steps instead of 1 - which, you've guessed it, completely destroys the use of our device popup window when editing midi clips!

Thank you for your understanding.
Hello OCH,
I just bought the Keyboard Monitor and tried to install it.
I did everything as shown in the video.
Added it to the User Library under Presets and Max MIDI Effect.

But I get the following message from Ableton:
"This device is not available in this version of Live."

I have the Ableton Live 12 Standard 12.1.5 Version. And running on Windows.

Am I doing something wrong or is there another issue. I also tried to install Keyboard Monitor version 1.0.1 and 1.1.2. They also didn't work. Can you please help?

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