Device Details


Name | Version: Combinate-Control Signal Combiner-Modulation Mix 0.2
Author: peterlaar
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: (Midi Chain version)

Akit Combinate is a simple device to take 2 control/modulation signals A & B (or 1 signal and a fixed number) and combine or mix them, mapping the output to another device. Combine the signals with one of 11 different operators:

* arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /
* exponent: A ^ B
* log: log(base B) of A
* avg: average of A & B
* min: lower of the two values
* max: higher of the two values
* mod: A modulo B -- a.k.a. clock math, 15 mod 12 = 3
* scale: scale the full range of A from 1 to B -- e.g. if you wanted a knob to go only from, say, 1 to 3

You can set the output to a particular range with the Min/Max stage, and then the output goes to the mapped device's knob/slider/etc.

Handy device for those who like to use Ableton like a big modular synth. Small footprint, you can string multiple of these together for more complex operations if desired.

Short demo:

Audio chain version here:

Version History:
0.2: incorporates the device mapping from Live's built-in MultiMap, allowing up to 4 mapped devices.


Live Version Used: 11.3
Max Version Used: 8.5.8
Date Added: Nov 30 2024 20:59:24
Date Last Updated: Dec 23 2024 21:17:21
Downloads: 219
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: Akit-Control-Combinate-MIDI-v0.2.amxd


Quite an useful device, but mapping to a parameter doesn't work :( I am still with Live 11 maybe that's the problem? I would really love to get this device running, i use a lot the Modulation Map device but this has more combination options :)
Hey Tape9, thanks for the comment. I'm actually using Live 11.3 myself. What happens when you click MAP? You click a knob or something and nothing happens?

(I don't know the Modulation Map device-- where'd you find that? I might not have written this if I had that:)
Hey, thanks for replying, You can find Modulation Math here:
But looks like your device has more combination options.
When i click map: it looks like it's correctly mapped, it even shows the name of the modulated parameter on your device, but then nothing happens and the knob that is supposed to be mapped can move freely :(
If you let me know what device and parameter you're trying to map it to, I can try to reproduce the issue and see if I can fix it. If it's happening on any device, I'm kinda stumped!
I tried first automating an FX send, i also tried many devices, like the dry/wet knob on ableton stock delay, but the issue always happen :(
I correct myself: the parameter supposed to be automated is not free to move as i said previously.... in fact it is stuck at the value set by the Min parameter on your device, raising the Min parameter offset the value of the mapped parameter, i hope this helps....
....on the other hand the Max parameter has no effect at all on the mapped knob, it only moves if i move Min.....accordingly...nothing else happen.
Thanks for all those details. Tried to reproduce the issues your seeing but they're not happening for me. Will update here if I find anything
@Tape9, if you see this, try out the new version. I swapped out the mapping code with the ones from MultiMap, maybe that'll work better

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