Device Details


Name | Version: Punchline - Punch-in FX for Push and Move 1.0
Author: Dibek
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Punchline: Punch-in FX Control for Ableton Live

Punchline is a Max for Live device that gives you hands-on control over your master channel effects. Designed for both studio and live use, it lets you "punch in" and "punch out" effects with ease.


Instant FX Switching – Activate and deactivate effects on the fly for seamless transitions, rearrange the fx how you want them.

Customized Push Integration – The Push pad matrix is optimized to let you intuitively punch in effects, with pad colors showing active states at a glance.

Rack Compatibility – See and select variations when using rack devices, offering even more flexibility in your sound design.

Use Any Effect – Compatible with all effects in your library, ensuring you’re never limited in your creative choices. Ableton´s internal Fx, Racks, VST, everything works.

It´s fun!


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Nov 29 2024 13:44:47
Date Last Updated: Nov 29 2024 14:52:28
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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This is really fun to use and works pretty well when performing live. But I can't figure out how to record the automation of the effects onto the master track. Is there a way to do this, or a workaround that enables us to capture the MIDI data into the Live Set? This would be really useful when producing, remixing and adding variations to a song.
Hi M3llo, glad you´re enjoying the device! There´s no way to record Automation on the Masterbus, you could set an Audiotrack to resample and print your performance to Audio.

However, the good news is that a pretty huge update is shortly to be released. It´s now possible to use Punchline on any track (one per track), this means you can record the automation into clips, all of it with full visual feedback on the grid. There´s much more to this release, stay tuned!
I just realized that you actually can record your performance withPunchline as automation into Arrangement view!
Thanks for the quick reply - really looking forward to the update! :)

That's great news about recording in the arrangement view. This is what I've been trying to figure out and couldn't get to work, because we can't arm the master bus in Live. Could you share how you did it? Forgive me if I'm being silly and overlooking something obvious.
Sure, no problem!
You don´t have to arm the master bus, it´s just automation we´re recording and it works just like any other automation you´re recording, except that the automation envelopes are written into the master bus track in arrangement view.

This video should cover it pretty well, good luck!

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