Device Details


Name | Version: SelDevCtrl 03
Author: Simontd
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: A simple device meant for controlling which device to select for remote control via cc or key input.

This is useful for controllers such as the Zero SLMkII or the Axioms, which have nice control over the currently selected device, but does not natively have the ability to change which device is currently selected.

The device currently pollutes the undo history, and fixing it is a bit of a head ache. It's on the drawing board.


Lower/Higher switches track. Lower/Higher refers to track number.

Earlier/Later switches the view (and just the view) left and right when in Arrangement mode.

Left/Right selects the device that is to the left/right of the currently selected device in the current track.

Up/Down selects a different chain in a rack - from inside the rack.

Bind buttons or keys on your controller to the buttons in the device. Push button.


Live Version Used: 8.2.5
Max Version Used: 5.1.9
Date Added: May 26 2012 18:50:33
Date Last Updated: Dec 06 2015 15:30:53
Downloads: 347
License: None
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Device File: SelDevCtrl 03.amxd


great stuff, just what I've been after, thanks.

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