Device Details


Name | Version: ableton multitrack auto recording template 1.1
Author: seraphimblush
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: this is a multitrack recorder template for ableton 11.3.1 suite or newer

it contains a M4L device which starts ableton scene recording when it detects sound input

if it detects complete silence for longer than 5 seconds, it ends scene recording

using the free blackhole audio virtual audio driver, you can route sound from other apps into this multitrack recorder, such as max msp, vcv rack or safari etc etc

the template is set to detect post-fader sound on the master fader, but you can change it to listen out for any signal provided you send it to the track input where the device is

here is a demo:

it's a simple tool, but no one else had made one so someone might find it useful

feel free to email me with questions -

if you like it you can donate via paypal -

or donate via gumroad -

or follow me on instagram -


Live Version Used: 11.3.1
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Nov 25 2024 17:52:08
Date Last Updated: Nov 25 2024 18:08:39
Downloads: 105
License: None
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Device File: ableton multitrack auto-recorder

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