Device Details


Name | Version: Polycrush 16 - 1.0
Author: ijoaudio
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Polycrush 16 is a polyphonic synthesizer inspired by the old 8-bit sounds from retro video game systems of the 80s and 90s. It offers two oscillators as well as a third sub oscillator. Each oscillator has sixteen wave shapes to choose from. From there, you have typical ADSR control over your sound, followed by a bit crusher to make sounds even more lo-fi.

There are also a couple innovative features in the oscillator section. Each oscillator has a display that lets you visualize the waveform. Four buttons on the left of this viewer allow a user to select a portion of the cycle, adjust the selection, scrub through the waveform, as well as draw your own for limitless sound creation potential.

Another easter egg feature is the ability to drop in your own waveforms. This is accomplished by dropping your waveform of choice upon the pixelated images - the heart for oscillator one and the star for oscillator two.

Also included are eighteen presets - six plucks, six basses and six poly leads.

Free updates for life. Planned features moving forward include expanded preset selection, expanded oscillator shapes, and further sound sculpting capabilities in the form of an LFO, a filter envelope, and perhaps some soft clipping.

These retro waveforms have a lovely way of cutting through a mix and can sound positively dreamy with a bit of reverb or delay added. Polycrush.


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Nov 06 2024 19:28:14
Date Last Updated: Nov 06 2024 19:28:37
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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It looks like this is a dead link - says 'device not found'
It looks like this is a dead link - says 'device not found'
@caveshire fixed!

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