Device Details


Name | Version: Lushie Deluxe 1.0
Author: ijoaudio
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Lushie Deluxe is a microshifter device for Ableton Live. It was designed to add lushness to a mono signal by subtly detuning extra voices, panning them, and adding slight delay variations. Lushie is a chorus, a widener, a thickener and a microshifter. Lushie makes your sounds huge.

The idea of Lushie Deluxe is that every spot is a sweet spot. The controls have been set in such a way that things sound good wherever the knobs are set. You have control over:

- wet/dry mix (setting just the right amount of stereo lushness)
- focus (choose the frequency at which the effect begins, so that low bass frequencies aren't processed)
- detune (the maximum amount of detune is less then fifty cents, again, ensuring things always sound nice)
- delay time (once again, things don't get out of hand here, just enough control to have things tight or a bit loose)

Plus three algorithm modes to choose from:

I - the subtlest of the three. Some of the highs are rolled off, the detune is less intense and the delay times are shorter
II - Sweet spot in the middle. More detune, more delay, a bit more highs. Still tasteful.
III - The most presence of the three modes. The most delay and detune. Still sounds sweet.

The idea of Lushie Deluxe is to have a sweet spot, no matter what. Keep it sweet.


Live Version Used: 12.1
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Nov 02 2024 22:53:36
Date Last Updated: Nov 02 2024 22:58:33
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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