Device Details
Name | Version: | ddly 1.0 |
Author: | Niedd |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | Inspired by Serum's delay, this plugin was designed to offer creative control over stereo delay effects, with various features. LIMIT: Minimun 1ms / Max 72s 90: Adds a Hilbert filter that shifts the phase by 90 degrees. Mono Wet: Manage the stereo image before the effect is applied. (In "Ping Pong" mode, the left and right channels are handled separately, unlike other delays where L+R are summed). Filter Section: A bandpass filter is integrated, allowing you to adjust the bandwidth from the interface for precise tonal shaping. Time Section: Control the delay time either in sync with the host tempo or manually. Disabling Sync lets you adjust the delay in milliseconds for fine-tuned custom timing. Offset & " * / ": This feature, available only when Sync is active, enables triplets and dotted note divisions. It provides additional mathematical operations to shift timing, for example: (1/4t = 1/4 [/] 1.50 or [*] 0.66667) (1/16d = 1/16 [*] 1.50 or [/] 0.66667) Enjoy the rhythmic possibilities this brings! SWAP Mode: Switch between different delay feedback modes: Normal Mode: Swaps the left and right channels within the feedback loop. (Try setting the pan to 100% on one side for an interesting effect.) Ping Pong Mode: Switches the starting channel of the delay, creating a bouncing stereo effect. Host & BPM Sync: The plugin stays tightly synced to your DAW’s BPM (e.g., Ableton), but you can switch to manual mode to set custom timings. Bypass: Mutes the input signal to the effect. When set to Full Wet, the effect will be completely muted, creating a clean cutoff. Video example: |
Live Version Used: | 12.0.5 |
Max Version Used: | 8.6.2 |
Date Added: | Oct 15 2024 10:32:57 |
Date Last Updated: | Oct 15 2024 11:55:02 |
Downloads: | 162 |
ⓘ License: | Attribution |
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Device File: | ddly 1.0.amxd |
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