Device Details


Name | Version: Drifted Circle - Generative Sequencer 1.0
Author: AnalogLanding
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Drifted Circle (DC) is a controlled random pitch sequencer based on the shift register principle, ideal for use as a melody generator, phrase catcher, parametric sequencer. Used in conjunction with the Drifted Buddy, it can be used to generate highly musical polyrhythmic melodies. Unlike shift registers such as the Turing Machine, DC does not move binary bits, but rather specific pitches within a selected range, making it easier to generate controlled, musical melodies.

The core principle of Drifting:
Simply put, you first need to select 8 pitches within an octave (Notes Set), the DC will randomly select one of these pitches to play and store it into Register, the notes in the Register move to the right one by one as new notes are added. New notes are generated in three ways:
1 - Last: fetches the Xth step in the register, X is determined by Size.
2 - Octave: fetches the Xth step in the register and generates a random octave change, the Octave Range determines the range of the octave change.
3 - New: continues with the pitch selection from the Notes Set.
You can determine the percentage probability of these three situations occurring by using the faders corresponding to Last, Octave, and New.
When ∞ is turned on, the DC forces the Last mode regardless of the probability ratio, which creates a constant loop, the length of this loop is determined by Size.

Demo video:


Live Version Used: 12.0.1
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Aug 21 2024 10:22:39
Date Last Updated: Aug 21 2024 10:29:26
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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