Device Details


Name | Version: Subdivisions 1.0
Author: GoldenFrog
Device Type: MIDI Transformation
Description: Subdivisions is a Max for Live transformation MIDI tool for Ableton Live 12, designed for changing the properties of notes depending on their positions on the grid. It will only apply changes to notes with a starting time close to a chosen subdivision value, like 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, etc., and they can be the odd notes (on-beat), the even notes (off-beat) or both.

The properties changes available are pitch, velocity, position, duration, chance and velocity deviation. They can be applied in Relative, Absolute or Randomize Modes. This MIDI tool can also delete, mute or unmute selected notes. 

Subdivisions is useful to add feel to MIDI clips, by having precise control of the separation between the on-beats and the off-beats (swing), and the dynamics between them.

You can make a clip groove, accent certain notes, move the 2’s and 4’s ahead or behind the beat, quantize the starting and ending time of the notes separately, make two MIDI clips “play in the pocket”, and more. With MIDI clips on a loop, Subdivisions can apply chance and velocity deviation only to the off-beats for example, leaving the on-beats without changes or with different values.


Live Version Used: 12.0.20
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Aug 21 2024 03:08:13
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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