Device Details


Name | Version: ChordSwitch MiniSwitch Edition 1.6
Author: zanetwice
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: New Mode And Functions Added.

ChordSwitch (MiniSwitch Edition) is a streamlined version of the original ChordSwitch plugin designed to generate complex chords
and adjust note scales according to the selected key. Ideal for creating harmonious chords and melodies.

What's new ?

Version 1.6

New Mode Added:
Dorian #4

You can now play multiple notes to generate chords in 'Next Chord Randomizer' mode.
A parameter to block low notes during random note generation has been added.

Version 1.5

Bug Fixes:
Resolved an issue that could cause Ableton Live 12 to crash randomly when loading the plugin.
Fixed a conflict where black notes could cause note-on/note-off issues if a note and its sharp (#) were played simultaneously.

Updated button colors for optimal compatibility with Ableton Live 12 themes.

Version 1.4

Graphical interface upscaled:
The graphical interface has been upscaled for a better visual experience.

Next chord randomizer:
This new feature allows you to randomly generate the next chord, adding an element of surprise and creativity to your compositions.

Version 1.3

Mode selection function added:
Three major modes are available.
Major Scale, Dorian Mode, Phrygian Mode.

Version 1.2

includes the White Keys Engine,
which allows you to play easily with white piano keys without hitting wrong notes.

The keyboard splitting feature lets you split the keyboard to assign chords and solo notes.

The randomization function sparks new melodic ideas with a single button,
and the pitch adjustment feature allows you to individually adjust input, chord, solo note, and output pitches.

The MIDI notes display lets you visualize MIDI notes input and output.

The link function connects all tools for instant scale changes.

For those seeking more chords and advanced features,
a more comprehensive version of ChordSwitch is also available.


Live Version Used: 12.0.20
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Aug 13 2024 01:30:56
Date Last Updated: Aug 16 2024 01:56:50
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionNonCommercialNoDerivatives
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