Device Details


Name | Version: White Keys Player Edition 1.41
Author: zanetwice
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Four major modes are now available.
More modes are available in the full version.
For those who have downloaded or purchased any of my software,
updates are available in the download section of my website. Enjoy!

White Keys algorithm intelligently shifts the keyboard
to allow you to play using only the white keys without ever hitting a wrong note.
This innovative tool simplifies music creation, making it perfect for both beginners and experienced musicians.
The plugin is offered in a free bundle pack.

What's new ?

Version 1.41

New Mode Added:
Dorian #4

Version 1.3

Graphical interface upscaled:
The graphical interface has been upscaled for a better visual experience.

Version 1.2

Mode selection function added:
Three major modes are now available.
Major Scale, Dorian Mode, Phrygian Mode.

Version v1.1

White Keys Engine:
Shifts notes while respecting major and minor scale intervals.
Allows easy playing with the white keys of a piano without hitting wrong notes.

Link Function:
Connects all my tools together, enabling instant changes to the musical scale.

With White Keys, you can effortlessly play on your keyboard
and experience the simplicity of effective and enjoyable music-making.
This algorithm ensures that every note you play fits perfectly within the chosen scale,
allowing for a seamless and intuitive musical experience.

Embrace the ease and fun of playing with White Keys.


Live Version Used: 12.0.20
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Aug 13 2024 01:23:46
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionNonCommercialNoDerivatives
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