Device Details


Name | Version: Gain staging 1.0
Author: vair
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: ***after download, load it on your session and follow instructions to load the correct path to "Gain.adg" file. ***

Ok.. so this one is a bit trickier but without a doubt the patch I use the most daily. 

Use it to manage gain staging in a session : 
1 - at track level - map to keyboard shortcut to insert a gain anywhere in your session
2 - at clip level - map to keyboard shortcut to apply gain to a clip

- Trigger anywhere to add a gain in your plugin chain.
- If your fader is at -5, click on fader then trigger, a gain with -5 is added as last object of track and fader reset to 0. If last object was already a gain, then values are summed. (This works ok until +/-24 dB then it behaves weird.)

I created this because I use my faders only for automation and/or temporary adjustments (like voice at +6 dB while editing vocals). Waay more space for your brain to focus on what matters.

- Select a clip then trigger to apply gain.

There are a lot of M4L devices for clip gain, I wanted one as simple as possible when editing breath. 
I use "e" as keyboard shortcut so I have "cmd+e" to cut, "e" to clip gain. 

Collaboration is welcome but the device is available for free. No need to put a real email. 

Find my other devices here


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Aug 07 2024 22:30:44
Date Last Updated: Aug 08 2024 19:06:23
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionShareAlike
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