Device Details


Name | Version: Insert again 1.0
Author: vair
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Simple device to load a plugin and map with a keyboard shortcut (similar to shortcut buddy). 

This device make use of available here : 
It's included in the patch so no need to download it (I hope so at least đź« ).

Collaboration is welcome but the device is available for free. No need to put a real email. 

Notes : 
- You can't load a plugin directly, but you can create a group rack with your plugin, then save your group rack somewhere and drag this group rack to the device. 
- I added an option to "extract' the plugin from the group rack and delete the group rack. This way you don't clutter the visual interface with useless groups. 
- If you need to add another plugin to a keyboard shortcut,  insert a second instance of "Insert again".

Find my other devices here


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jul 24 2024 18:04:29
Date Last Updated: Jul 24 2024 18:10:41
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionShareAlike
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