Device Details


Name | Version: More Simpler Pro - Instrument and Buffer Manager 2.0
Author: Metamagicum
Device Type: Instrument
Description: More Simpler Pro is an improved and updated adaption of the M4L Device "More Simpler" which is an simplified version of Live's Simpler.

Now with the possibility to sync the audio file's tempo with your Live Set, it comes with send-receive compatibility to load samples directly into the More Simpler's buffer.

In combination with my device "Buffer Manager" (which is included in this package) you can swap samples or whole sample folders instantly via MIDI or key control while playing live. In my opinion a basic feature which should be intergrated in Live's Sampler and Drum Rack by default...


- Polyphonic sampler instrument with time-stretching
- File manager to quick load samples into the sampler's buffer
- Up to 10 preset slots to save and load your own sample folders
- Mappable controls to swap samples or folders while playing
- Random file selection and sync load functionality
- Device skin color options to stay visually relaxed

More Simpler Pro Demos:


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jul 21 2024 13:40:33
Date Last Updated: Jul 26 2024 01:46:51
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionNonCommercial
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