Device Details


Name | Version: gd-grainscan2 1.0
Author: asteriskVT
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: gd-grainscan2 is a Max For Live device that I originally created in the Max/MSP Pluggo environment around 2003 & updated for M4L in 2024. This is a variation on my grainscan1 plugin. Its another flavor of granular synthesis. I kept the controls a little oblique on purpose for this one, that is meant to encourage maybe a different kind of exploration. Each parameter has a range slider that you can use to select a value, some portion or all of the range. Use shift-click to set the high and low values for each range, use command-click to slide a range up or down. Location is where in the incoming audio buffer will be processed, Duration is the size / length of the grains, Pitch is the pitch of the grains, the slider below the range bar will move up and down the chromatic scale. Voices sets the number of grains & grain speed sets the speed of the granular engine. Experiment and have fun with it!


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jul 17 2024 17:23:12
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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