Device Details


Name | Version: Fractional Stretch 1.0
Author: stev
Device Type: MIDI Transformation
Description: Stretch your MIDI with different types of fractions, allowing for interesting forms of polyrhythmic, polymetric, polytempic and non dyadic stretching.

Fractional Stretch is a Max MIDI Transformation Tool for Live 12 that functions like the built in MIDI Stretch tool in Live but it allows you to set the stretch ratio in different ways. These different modes allow for interesting forms of polyrhythmic, polymetric, polytempic and non dyadic stretching, unlocking new forms of rhythmic experimentation within Live 12.

The different stretching modes are:
Fraction: Stretch MIDI by fraction that is set with whole numbers.
Decimal Fraction: Stretch MIDI by a fraction that is set with decimal numbers.
BPM Shift: Stretches the MIDI from one BPM to another.
Decimal: Basically the same as live’s built in stretch function but with a wider range.

You can also set the center point of the stretching to stretch to be either: 1.1, the start of the 1st note, the end of the last note, or a custom location that is set by selecting one note, then hitting the “Pick” button or setting a custom beat number to stretch from.

This MIDI tool is available at a discount in the Heap MIDI Tools 1 bundle.


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jul 08 2024 23:29:32
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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