Device Details


Name | Version: gd-tapey 1.0
Author: asteriskVT
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: gd-tapey is a Max For Live device that I originally created in the Max/MSP Pluggo environment in 2003 & updated for M4L in 2024. This is a kind of auto-warble / tape effect. It uses the incoming audio to trigger shifting delay lines and feedback creating a warbley tape like effect. 


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jul 08 2024 17:55:49
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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Hey man, I have a small suggestion. I see that you uploaded multiple devices, and all your descriptions start with "gd-tapey is a Max For Live device that I originally created in the Max/MSP...". However, in the library with all the other devices, we can only read the first ten words or so.

Maybe instead of providing all these details upfront, you could say something like "auto warble / tape effect" and then provide the full explanation. This way, on the library page with all the other devices, I wouldn't have to click on each one to read what it is. This would help me quickly eliminate the ones I don't want without having to click on each one individually.

Anyway, amazing devices. I appreciate them so much.
seconding the above comment, and again asking for audio examples, or videos of these in action. i get their priced very affordably, but there are many.

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