Device Details


Name | Version: sq10 1.0
Author: TilmanEhrhorn
Device Type: MIDI Generator
Description: *sq10 is a MIDI-based note generator that can play up to eight different notes in individual cycles.
All parameters, such as pitch, velocity, length and the probability of playback, can be set, changed and randomized very quickly and intuitively in a graphical user interface.
The loop lengths, which can be set individually for each note, always refer to a clock whose frequency can be synchronized with grid-based note values with the DAW host or can be set independently of this.
The start point of each loop and the clock-independent internal speed of each loop can also be easily manipulated in the same way. In addition, each loop can be individually faded in or out.
Further documentation can be found in the Max for Live device if Ableton Live ́s Help View is turned on.
Demo Video:


Live Version Used: 11.3.25
Max Version Used: 8.5.8
Date Added: Jul 03 2024 07:12:05
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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