Device Details


Name | Version: Clip color 1.1
Author: vair
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Simple little device to change the color of the selected clip. You can map the buttons to keyboard.

I use it mainly when tracking, using the following color code :
red -> Bad take
orange  -> Ok take
green -> Great take
white -> time issue 
pink -> something else to be taken care of
blue -> pitch issue
You can easily open the patch to change colors or add colors. 

Collaboration is welcome but the device is available for free. No need to put a real email.

Note : currently it doesn't work on a selection of various clips. It's a real bummer for linked tracks (current workaround is right click and select color).

Find my other devices here

Changelog : 
1.1 - First version was triggering unnecessary undo events. fixed in 1.1 


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jul 01 2024 18:15:36
Date Last Updated: Jul 24 2024 18:05:35
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionShareAlike
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i only wish the clip's color would be reflected in its take lane, like it is when you use the right click menu

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