Device Details


Name | Version: ESX8GT Euclidisms Mac 1.0
Author: bhenry1790
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Updated for Apple Silicon

8 chan euclidean rhythm generator for use with Expert Sleepers gate expander modules.

I lifted the Euclidean algorithm from:

You'll need to add the es*encoder~ externals to Max for these to work.

On a Mac the location for externals:
Users/Shared/Max 8/Library/

If using with an ES8/9 as an aggregate device turn off DRIFT CORRECTION


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jun 28 2024 09:36:57
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 79
License: None
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Device File: ESX8GT Euclidisms_M1.amxd

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