Device Details


Name | Version: - Beat Splitter 3.0
Author: Tona
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: BeatSplitter V3 Is Finally Here! After months of hard work, the #1 Rated stem splitter has become even better.

Splitter Updates:

- Smoother authentication workflow: Authentication stays active for up to 48 hours now. Users no longer need to re-authenticate the plugin every time they load it onto a new track.

- Easier download: A default download location is set upon the first download within a session. The following downloads would be automatically linked to this location. Users can also change the download location manually by clicking the “Change Download Location” button.

- Download all stems: There’s a “Download All Stems” button to download all the stem tracks to the designated location.

- Split time estimation: We display an estimated time for processing the audio upon every split. This means you can minimize downtime, maximizing your music production process.

- Easier feedback: The splitter now includes a direct link to a web form for feedback & issue report.

- Logout: Users can log out of their authentication with one click of the “Log Out” button.

- Better error display: We added a more detailed error display in the UI to provide more clarity when there’s an issue.

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Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jun 20 2024 00:01:20
Date Last Updated: Mar 09 2025 06:32:13
Downloads: 3182
License: Commercial
Average Rating (78)

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Device File: BeatSplitter_V3.amxd


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The updated splitter version is finally here!

Here are the updates we made:

- Smoother authentication workflow: Authentication stays active for up to 48 hours now. Users no longer need to re-authenticate the plugin every time they load it onto a new track.

- Easier download: A default download location is set upon the first download within a session. The following downloads would be automatically linked to this location. Users can also change the download location manually by clicking the “Change Download Location” button.

- Download all stems: There’s a “Download All Stems” button to download all the stem tracks to the designated location.

- Split time estimation: We display an estimated time for processing the audio upon every split. This means you can minimize downtime, maximizing your music production process.

- Easier feedback: The splitter now includes a direct link to a web form for feedback & issue report.

- Logout: Users can log out of their authentication with one click of the “Log Out” button.

- Better error display: We added a more detailed error display in the UI to provide more clarity when there’s an issue.

We can't wait to see the songs that will be produced using the stem splitter!

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