Device Details


Name | Version: Clip Wizard 1.0
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Clip Wizard is the Max for Live device that allow to use any MIDI controller to load clips onto your session and arrangement view, like a PUSH 3 !!


Session/Arranger: Quickly switch between the Views.

Browser: Focus on the Browser.

Beats/Free: Manages the scroll function and loading of sounds freely or by beats.

X10: Speeds up the scrolling.

Load Files: Import sounds into the Session or Arrangement

Show Similar Files: Find similar sounds to the selected one (Ableton 12 ONLY).

1 Wheel: Scrolls the Browser.

2 Wheel: Scrolls the Tracks.

3 Wheel: Scrolls the Scenes.

4 Wheel: Scrolls the Playback position.

< > : Move back and forth on the arrangement to chose when to place the sound.

All controls are mappable this will make your workflow insanely fast, trust me :)


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.2.2
Date Added: Jun 18 2024 15:47:08
Date Last Updated: Jul 16 2024 15:45:55
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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This is huge
actually, I have been looking for something like this for a long time. Is there a way to send to next empty clip, or is the workflow to scroll to next scene then load? Hopefully, there's a way to do multiple clips in bulk, now or eventually? Also, curious about your split device, already have many ways to do this with a few steps outside of Live but integrated is interesting... there's no videos, or pdf, so hard to tell if it's a workflow I'd be happy with. Cheers

Here you find a video of the work-flow, regardless importing multiple tracks, it's something I can look into and see if I can implement it, you can reach me on instagram @ostinsolo to discuss further and tell me more about the case scenario so it will be optimised for your particular purpose.

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