Device Details


Name | Version: Push 3 OSC MIDI Mapping tool 1.17
Author: UnaVisionAgradable
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: "Push 3 OSC + MIDI Mapping Tool" is an M4L device that aims to provide automatic solutions to mapping problems on the Push 3 without a computer or without previously setting up a project on a computer. This device has been created with the Push 3 SA in mind, and although it works for computers, many functions are not yet debugged for use outside of the P3 SA. Users who want to use it only on computers will have to wait a couple of weeks for the full version for computers. With this device, CC or OSC values ​​can be mapped ultra-fast, which will be stored in files within folders in the Push 3 so that when we open the projects again we do not lose the mappings. The device allows you to control parameters such as volume, panning, ... etc. in a pseudo-automatic way, but it also allows you to map CC controls or OSC controls to any parameter within the P3 SA. It also has parameter animation recorders, track creation by pressing a button, and many more. New options will be implemented in the coming weeks.

Video link:

 With the package you will get:

- The complete M4L Device

- A version of the same device only for MIDI without all the OSC configuration.
- A manual in english with all the process to configure it.
- A TouchOSC template to start controlling things via OSC.


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jun 15 2024 08:06:34
Date Last Updated: Jul 13 2024 14:35:18
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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