Device Details


Name | Version: Velocity Triggered Note 1.0
Author: FredericoFlores
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Transform a MIDI note into an alternate note when it surpasses a specified velocity threshold. I employ this ingenious contraption to modify my Edrum Ride pad into a Bell Ride upon more forceful strikes, given that my pad lacks dual zone functionality. While I could laboriously edit the samples within the velocity zones, this nifty device allows me to achieve the desired outcome with far greater ease, all without the tedium of tweaking the drum pack presets. Quite the time-saver, isn't it?


Live Version Used: 11.3.5
Max Version Used: 8.5.8
Date Added: Jun 06 2024 20:06:21
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 77
License: None
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Device File: VelocityTriggeredNote.amxd

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