Device Details


Name | Version: Op Oloop Y Coast Synth 1
Author: OpOloop
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Inspired by grant master Don Buchla, and his complex oscillators, and the Low Pass Gate, this device tries to emulate those behaviors, the devices comes with 22 presets as a start point. It can be complete modulated by Ableton LFOs and also you have an open window that shows the architecture of the synth. I have tried many ways to do it at the best resolution possible and I found this, using four oscillators, sine, triangle, saw and square are used and mixed. Then the signal goes to the overtones, a wavefolder effect to go after to the LPG emulation. Then you can choose what kind of filter you may need to apply to sculpt the sound you are looking. It is simple. It is mono, maybe in the future I develop a polyphinc version. Buy: Have fun! Op.Oloop.




Live Version Used: 11
Max Version Used: 8
Date Added: Jun 06 2024 17:54:45
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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