Device Details


Name | Version: RAVE simple 1.0
Author: voun10
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: A simple device with some control, to use RAVE's AI models (IRCAM).
It is natively an audio effect that transforms sounds into the characteristics of the model used. The parameters add an offset to the 16th latent dimensions of the model. You also can use it without sound in entry.

To implement a model, just drag and drop .ts file into the drop window, or select a folder where are yours .ts files.
The script is supposed to make it easy to change models,
please tell me if there is any problem.

Here some model from RAVE GitHub :

Original GitHub RAVE project :

external not included version :

Inspired by Semilla from Moisés Horta


Live Version Used: 11.2.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.5
Date Added: Jun 05 2024 13:17:22
Date Last Updated: Jun 06 2024 13:07:40
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionNonCommercial
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sounds fun, unfortunately not working on mac under live 12. externals not compatible with apple silicon. Rosetta is an option, but i dont run in rosetta. Is there a way to update / replace the externals?
There is an Apple Silicon version of the nn~ external available, so it shouldn't be too hard for the author to re-compile the device. Could be a problem if the author doesn't have an Apple Silicon machine as this version of the external is not a universal build - it's AS only.
What message are you receiving? I don't know how to adapt for Apple Silicon but I have a friend who has one. Do you have any references on the subject?
There a way to have the .amxd without included nn~ external but you have to add it by yourself in the max 8 folder.
does anyone know where to find silicon version of the external? i know how to replace it.
NVM, i found them, but had no luck replacing. too advanced for me. i was able to do it with some Muteable instruments clones, but it was as simple as copy / paste replace the old externals.

@voun10 the externals that you have just need to be updated with the arm64 version. the error message is just "rave contains externals that are not compatible with apple silicon. Consider running live under rosetta"

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