Device Details


Name | Version: Chord Monitor for Push Display 1.0
Author: ollyg
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This device is based on ai.chord-monitor by anthonyivol

I've added the bits for it to work on a Push display, showing the Primary and Alternate chords, as well as the notes pressed, all on the Push display screen. Also works fine on a Push Standalone.

As there is no license for ai.chord-monitor I assumed CC0 Public Domain - please let me know if this is wrong.

This is the first time I worked in Max and uploaded here, so any comments/tips are very welcome! Take a look at how I did the Push display controls, the Max/Live components are quite buggy but it seems to work well.


Live Version Used: 12.0.1
Max Version Used: 8.6.0
Date Added: May 17 2024 15:57:29
Date Last Updated: May 17 2024 19:37:50
Downloads: 139
License: Attribution
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Device File: chord-monitor-for-push3-standalone.amxd

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