Device Details


Name | Version: BigTempo 1.0
Author: therriendave
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Big Tempo is a utility device that I drop onto each of the tracks of my live performance setup. It shows the current Live BPM in large visible letters. It has one encoder knob that changes the BPM from 40 to 230 BPM in increments of 5. I usually map that encoder to a knob or fader on my keyboard.


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Apr 29 2024 20:12:08
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 216
License: None
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: BigTempo.amxd


Hello, I am looking for a simple device like this one but instead of directly controlling the absolute value of the master tempo, it would control a *percentage* of the master tempo. In other words, it would be an additional tempo multiplier that sits on top of the master tempo. The reason for this is I have a different tempo set on each of my scene views for a sequence of about 125 different drum clips. If I use a knob to momentarily adjust the master tempo it momentarily overrides the set tempo, but when Live switches to the next scene, the tempo reverts to the hard-set tempo for that next scene. I would like the relative tempos from one scene to the next to remain the same, while still being able to speed up or down the whole set. Any ideas ? T.Y. Jack
Essential tool, just rated 5 stars. Thanks for providing it.

Along this device I am also looking for a BIG metric view. I mean at the center of the top bar in Live, just left of the play green arrow, there is this three section with bar #, beat count and and its subdivision.

I would donate 50.00$ for it.

Thanks for considering

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