Device Details


Name | Version: Audiothingies MicroMonsta 2 Editor V2 1.0
Author: submodify
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Hello.

Editor for the MicroMonsta2 by Audiothingies.

This is a modified version of the editor originally uploaded by PlasmaBubble which is available for free here:


Wavetable OSC's are now selectable for OSC2 and OSC3.

Fixed an issue where sysex patch dumps from the MM2 were being ignored due to an incorrect byte value.

All parameters are always displayed, and not hidden (some parameters would stay hidden after a patch dump from the MM2).

Put a block on all parameters firing their value when the device is loaded.

Bit of a re-skin.

Please note that this is mostly not my work. Any credit for this should deservedly go to PlasmaBubble. Hopefully they are OK with me reworking this a little bit.


Live Version Used: 10.1.43
Max Version Used: 8.5.7
Date Added: Apr 01 2024 14:14:57
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 100
License: None
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Device File: MicroMonsta2 EditorV2.amxd


dang. looks very helpful. now, it's going to be even more rare to find a micromonsta mkii!

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