Device Details


Name | Version: Telequencer 3.7
Author: AkihikoMatsumoto
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Sequencer with 16-step pitch and duration control. By changing the number of steps, rotations, and sequence patterns, it is possible to create complex phrases with simple operations.


Live Version Used: 12
Max Version Used: 8.6
Date Added: Mar 16 2024 08:54:17
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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I just bought your device, I've been looking for a compatible Push 3 sequencer for a long time! Thank you!

Just one thing, would it be possible in a future update to add the ability to change velocity to each step?
So we could have 3 banks: Pitch, Duration, and Velocity.
And add the randomize option in Push layout !
and gate support ! sorry for the three separates comments

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