Device Details


Name | Version: Live 11 Shaper Manual 1.3
Author: MaxForLove
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Note: For Live 12, this is now obsolete as Live 12's shaper has a Manual mode. However, I uploaded a version of live 12's Shaper with the same QoL improvements that are present in this one:

OG Description:

I edited the stock Shaper device and replaced the internal oscillator with an Index knob input. The index controls the X-axis input into the envelope, which produces a mappable Y-axis output value based on the drawn envelope.

Effectively this is a mod re-mapper with a nice curve editor, and which also retains the Depth, Offset, Jitter, Smooth, & Phase controls of Shaper.

The screenshot shows an example in which a Triangle LFO has its frequency amplified by a ReMapper with 4 triangles, before controlling another ReMapper.

As a bonus, each Min and Max for mapped parameters are themselves automatable/mappable, which they are not currently in most stock modulators. (Although I've uploaded versions of each where this is fixed.)

I welcome feedback and suggestions for similarly simple devices & modifications.

MIDI Device Version here:

V1.0 - Initial Release
V1.1 - Re-added phase control

- Grid Y can be controlled along with X
- Both X and Y Grid ranges are greatly extended
- Snap now works on both Axes

- Grid controls fixed
- Independent snap control for X and Y axes
- Snap for a given axis turns off automatically at value 1


Live Version Used: 11.3.21
Max Version Used: 8.5.6
Date Added: Feb 29 2024 21:35:04
Date Last Updated: Mar 05 2024 21:57:02
Downloads: 256
License: None
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: ReMap Shaper.amxd


Awesome device. Any chance of a MIDI version of it?
Done! Uploaded a MIDI version, and with improved grid snapping control

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