Device Details


Name | Version: zs Knobbler3 - Auto-Labeling iPad Control Surface 1.3.2
Author: zsteinkamp
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: zs Knobbler3 is a Max for Live device + iPad TouchOSC Layout that gives you 32 auto-labeling faders to control the most important parameters in your Live set, regardless of what is selected on the screen.

Demo video:

Simply select a parameter in Live you want to control, then touch a fader on the iPad interface, and the mapping is created! The track, device, and parameter names are shown next to the fader to help you keep track of what is what.

The device also provides a large slider to control the currently selected parameter, sans mouse. Additionally, I rolled in the functionality of my ToggleInput device so you can easily enable/disable recording for the currently selected track. This makes automation overdubs pain-free.

Detailed instructions are available on the device project page.

If you have ideas for improvement or would like to contribute your changes, please open a pull request or email me at :)

Documentation and installation instructions are here:

I have many other free / open-source devices available. Click my name or visit


Live Version Used: 11.1
Max Version Used: 8.2
Date Added: Sep 09 2022 03:36:19
Date Last Updated: May 24 2024 22:30:08
Downloads: 0
License: None
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huge timesaver! thanks for the update Zack!
This is so effing sick!!! Thanks so much for this :)
Woo! I'm glad you find it useful. Please let me know if you have ideas on how to make it better!
1.1.8 works great! thank you Zack
Updated the link to the latest version 1.3.2. This release fixes a bug in Bluhand that caused the wrong value to be displayed above the slider on the iPad. It also adds color-coding to each parameter cell in the device view.

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