Device Details


Name | Version: TapPanVerb 0.0.5
Author: zsteinkamp
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: This is an audio effect device that implements a bucket-brigade multi-tap delay of up to 128 individual taps. What makes it special is the visual control over tap delay factor, pan position, and output volume. There is also a simple reverb that you can mix in to the input signal and a feedback control.

Demo video:

The possibilities range from whipping zipper effects to huge, moving reverb spaces. Give it a shot, and let me know how it goes for you.

See this link for more documentation:

I have many other free / open-source devices available. Click my name or visit


Live Version Used: 11.1
Max Version Used: 8.2.1
Date Added: May 06 2022 16:15:58
Date Last Updated: Jan 01 2023 18:40:45
Downloads: 0
License: None
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Really nice work !!!
You can get nice sounds. Would it be possible to have the delay base and other time based parameters in sync ?
Getting some really interesting sounds out of this! Wish there was more hardware control (via Push for instance), but the curves make that impossible, so mouse tweaking it is!

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