Device Details


Name | Version: Bohlen-Pierce Scale Note Monitor 1.0
Author: gracecale
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: My Max for Live device allows you to play in Bohlen-Pierce scale and to see names of notes without necessity to screw your midi-keyboard.

Use it together with Max for Live device“Retune”. Retune will generate midi pitch messages and my device will show the name of the note.


What it a Bohlen-Pierce scale?

Bohlen–Pierce scale is an alternative musical tuning and scale, that is based on the interval 3:1, tritave (instead of 2:1,octave), that is devided in 13 steps (instead of 12). It has H, H# and J notes and has no D# and G#. What a punk!

The majority of acoustic, electronic and software musical instruments are based on Twelve-tone equal temperament and Diatonic scale. It is the musical system that divides the octave into 12 parts. The Octave is the interval between one musical pitch and another with double its frequency, like between C2 and C3 on Ableton live piano-roll. People often reffer to non-western musical scales when they speak about microtonal music, but even though those native scales devide octave on a number of intervals that is different from 12, majority of them is still based on idea of an interval where one frequency is 2 times bigger than another one.

Maybe it will help me to get a job as a UX Designer at Ableton one day.


Live Version Used: 11.0.1
Max Version Used: 8.1.9
Date Added: Apr 18 2021 20:44:18
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 264
License: Attribution
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Device File: Bohlen-Pierce Scale Note Monitor.amxd

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