Device Details


Name | Version: Add two buttons mikado Store id path 1.0
Author: spiralune
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: it for you as exemple "" icoste "" user

your patch here

you can see how made live recall parameter with object Pattr

and scale object 0 127 0. 1. for volume pan ect..


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 7.3.5
Date Added: Mar 12 2019 10:09:35
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 109
License: None
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Device File: Add two buttons mikado Store id path.amxd


if you new user

download M4L Building Tools

and see Max patch in folder = API

and in folder =Lesson Devices = API Navigation Tools

you find all you need to start with max


and if you need understand how store preset of you patch with live set

have made this exemple patch

and here another for how to use

two pattstorage object in same patch with Preset object

((normaly only one pattstorage per patch can work ))

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