Device Details


Name | Version: Session Clip Footswitcher 1.0.1
Author: doubletriplezero
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: A device for using midi CC messages from a footswitch to record/play/stop the currently selected clip slot in Ableton Session View.

Add the device to a blank midi track. You will want to set the monitor of the track to "In" and the Midi Output to "No Output". You will not use this track for anything other than to host the device which will listen for midi messages from the track's selected device and channel.

You will want to make sure that your footswitch is set to momentary rather than latching (i.e. - pressing the footswitch sends an on message and releasing reverts back to off)

The settings visible on the device are as follows:

MIDI CC: the CC that this device listens for (default=68, should match whatever CC your footswitch transmits).

CC VALUE: the value which triggers the device (default=127, i.e. the "on" message sent when footswitch is pressed).

TAP TIMER (MS): this is how long in ms it takes for the device to trigger and reset the tap count. (default=500ms or 1/2 a second).

TAP COUNT: read-only display of the number of consecutive taps detected. If you are unable to consistently detect double or triple taps, try increasing the TAP TIMER duration or, uh, tap faster.

To use, first select any clip slot in session view for any audio or midi track in the live set. Do not select a clip slot in the blank midi track which hosts this device. Again, the device should only be added to a blank midi track which is not used for anything besides listening for midi messages.

The device will respond to single, double, or triple taps of the footswitch.

Single tap sends a "fire" message to the currently selected clip slot. If the slot is record armed this will start recording in the slot. if a clip already exists in the slot it will start playing (quantization settings will determine if recording or playing starts right away or if it will wait the specified number of bars before firing).

Double tap on the footswitch will send a stop message to the currently selected clip slot, either stopping playback or recording. (again, quantization settings apply and will determine if stopping is immediate or after your specified duration. I personally keep my global quantization at 1 bar. this gives me some time to tap the footswitch when i want record/play/stop to fire right after the current measure)

Triple tapping the footswitch will toggle the session record overdub mode. This toggle is not affected by quantization settings. So if you are playing a clip and you want to overdub record onto that same clip, triple tap to enable that. This only works for recording midi clips, not audio, whereas the fire and stop functionality on single and double taps will work for either midi or audio clips.


Live Version Used: 11.3.41
Max Version Used: 8.5.8
Date Added: Mar 17 2025 19:53:38
Date Last Updated: Mar 17 2025 22:18:21
Downloads: 5
License: None
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Device File: m4l-footswitcher.amxd

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