Device Details


Name | Version: Knob Studio 1.0
Author: aylesim
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Knob Studio is a Max for Live device that enhances parameter mapping and sound modulation capabilities in Ableton Live. Designed for producers, sound designers, and musicians looking for new ways to shape their sound, this tool combines detailed control with creative exploration.

At its heart, Knob Studio is a mapping experimenter that uses evolving waveforms and customizable functions. It's built to accommodate both precise sound sculpting and unexpected discoveries, providing a space where careful adjustments and spontaneous ideas can coexist.

With Knob Studio, you can create complex modulation patterns by layering multiple functions, each with its own set of adjustable properties. These waveforms drive your sound modulation, interpreted by versatile reading heads that can be controlled manually, through LFOs, or by following your audio's envelope.

The device is useful for adding movement to synths, creating evolving effects, or exploring new sonic territories. Its visual interface provides real-time feedback on your modulations, helping you understand and refine your sound shaping process.

For moments when you need fresh ideas, Knob Studio's randomization features can generate unexpected results. Global controls for smoothing and jitter allow you to refine your sound or add variation to your modulations as needed.

Knob Studio aims to be a versatile addition to your sound design process, suitable for crafting detailed soundscapes, producing electronic music, or adding new dimensions to your productions.


Live Version Used: 12.0.0
Max Version Used: 8.6
Date Added: Jul 17 2024 14:59:49
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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very cool, but to me, not 20$ cool. id easily drop a fiver on this, but for 20$... ill just throw a couple native random LFO's

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