Comments by whiteboxsynthmakers

Thanks happytosh!
Everyone except Monolake is a novice. This instrument of yours has real attention to detail: it sounds like a different variety of strings... bowed, plucked, TWANGED. I think it is inspiring.
This is so good I logged in to comment!

This may almost give TENSION a run for its money. I am inspired to create a Live rack around this little beauty. Thanks ever so much for making this.
Always love the sound of scratchy smelly plastic!
Always completely in awe of anything by you, Herr Henke/Monolake. No idea yet how Granulator 1 works despite some hours tinkering with the circuits. Looking forward to this new one once I can get my head around the new Live/Max updates.
Hey, nice one! I'm honoured you praise the Baconfist but I have to confess I found the reverb patch after hours of dead-ends and deleted links. It was on an obscure max site somewhere in France.

All praise to Les Max Francais!

However, there's a lot more to Baconfist than a reverb....
I like this
yes, a fab piece of work. gave it 5
This is what Max is good at. Simple yet surprising. Thanks jabbone.
I really enjoy the sound of this. You've done a terrific job. I was going to try and mix your work into my prettified visual version of laverne but so far I'm not up to speed on all that patching.

You've made a "working class synth" sound classy.